Thursday, April 3, 2008

the new roomie

My friend M recently accepted a diplomatic posting to Afghanistan for a year. An equally exciting and dangerous opportunity, it meant packing up her life and moving more than halfway around the world. It's a hard enough feat as it is, but harder still when there are dependents involved; namely, a cat. I know what this is like, as I've had to do this (too) many times myself. Giving a pet up is difficult, even if only temporarily, so I knew wanted to help.

Offering to take Pele (the cat) was not a completely altruistic act on my part: it is actually a mutually beneficial arrangement, as I'd been stealthfully priming J with the idea of getting a cat for a while. And since I'd met Pele a few times already, I had a good sense of his personality and I knew we'd all get along just fine. Luckily, my initial groundwork paid off and convincing J to take Pele in was just a formality.

When I brought Pele home after dropping M off at the airport, I fully expected him to go into hiding for a couple of days until he adjusted because that's what cats usually do. Not this cat, apparently. After being let out of his carrier, Pele inspected all of the rooms in the apartment and promptly lay down in a sunspot in the hallway. I could tell he was utterly traumatized. Ha!

Ten minutes later, J calls me into his room and I peek around the door to find this:

Even B, Mr. Imallergictocats can't resist Pele's charms, it seems. A couple Sundays ago, I came into the living room to this:

Pele is definitely one cool cat (now I know where the pun comes from!) He's laidback, affectionate and loves a good cuddle. He also likes to talk quite bit, too - mostly when he feels that we having been lax in our attentions. He and I have a routine where I come home from work and put him over my shoulders while I putter around the house. Pele seems to like this cuddle time and curls himself around my neck like a boa and nuzzles into my face, purring all the while.

M, Pele is in good hands and he's being spoiled silly. I just can't guarantee we'll give him up when the time comes withhout a fight! ;)


Jen_n_Jake said...

I can't wait to meet mr. Pele tonight!

k1 said...

What a cutie-petutie! He reminds me a little of Whiskey - the friendliness, the suckiness and those big green eyes. ;)

Alison said...

I am coming over to steal your cat. My goodness, he is adorable! Lucky you.